Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Ways of Developing Aromatherapy Essential Oils

Ways of Developing Aromatherapy Essential Oils

Aromatherapy is an improvement of mental and physical health with the help of the essential oils received from aromatic plants. Essential oils contain vitamins, hormones, antibiotics, fermions (invisible, but appreciable aromatic signals) and also the substances called recycling cells which have and give vital energy to a live plant and protect it. Due to these properties the immunity of plants to various diseases is heightened. Pathogenic bacteria are destroyed and viruses will be neutralized. By deriving valuable essential oils from plants, we can use the same curative properties to improve the conditions of our bodies. Essential oils "work" from two directions: physically - being absorbed through the skin in capillary blood system by grinding mixes of oils for massage, oils for care of the skin in aromatic, foot baths or in steam inhalation; and psychologically - influencing through the body's of sense of smell on the nervous system through steam or direct inhalation, which could be called "aroma-smoking"?.

Aromatherapy is the unique way of connecting our health with the riches of the world surrounding us. The pleasure in itself is therapy, but aromatherapy goes further, by transforming therapy into pleasure. Be careful when using the oils. High concentration aroma-therapeutic oils in many cases are too strong for direct application on the skin when undiluted. Use caution when using concentrated essential oils. Use carrier oils as a basis for thinning essential oils when making your own mixes of oils for massage. Avoid using close to the eyes and on other sensitive areas of the skin. For certain diseases application of some oils is undesirable, while others can be extremely useful. Please do research to familiarize yourself with essential oils before use. Store essential oils in a airtight container in a cool dark place.

Some Remarks on Essential Oils.

Essential oils are sorted by their degree of lightness and subdivided into oils of the top, average and base categories. Oils of the top category quickly evaporate and demand extra care when storing as they are very light. Oils of the base category evaporate most slowly. The most balanced and steady mixes are aroma-therapeutic mixes containing oils of the top, average and base category. We offer you the information on oils of all categories that will help you with creation of your own balanced and steady mixes.

Natural vs. Synthetic Aromatherapy Oils

Natural aromatherapy essential oils represent a high concentration of vegetative extracts derived by evaporation or extraction from flowers, berries, seeds, roots, bark or citrus dried peels. Despite the name, they are not oily and not fat. These oils can be named blood of plants and similar to blood they lose the vital qualities with poor manufacturing and storage. The cost of essential oils directly depends on amount of the raw material necessary for the manufacturing of oil. It's different for each plant. For example, from the petals of thirty roses it is possible to receive only one drop of rose oil, from this comes its high price though there are also cheaper oils. Synthetic aromas or flavored oils are created by artificial ways in laboratories. In technical language, flavored oils are actually not oils and are more likely artificial chemical compounds. These products usually carry exotic names of flowers or fruit from which they have not been derived. For example, there is no such thing as the true peach or strawberry oil. Despite the pleasant smell, flavored oils do not possess any curative properties and do not contain undiluted active ingredients of natural plants. They, certainly, cannot be applied for medicinal purposes, and in some cases it is undesirable for them to touch the skin. It is not recommended to use aromatherapy methods with these substances as data on their safety is not available.

Ways of Manufacturing Aromatherapy Oils.

Steam Distillation is the most widespread way of deriving essential oils. One method of direct distillation is where the steam distillatory is loaded with raw vegetative material. Steam is then forced into the distillatory and elements of the raw vegetative material mix with the steam. This mix condenses into water on the surface of which floats the essential oil. The essential oil is then separated from the water.

Cold Pressing is applied to raw materials to derive citric oils. This is very soft pressing in which oil is squeezed out of the crushed peel. This is the same way in which carrier oils are derived from crushed seeds.

Solvent Extraction is the method of extraction using special solvents. This results in the manufacturing of absolute oils without impurity. It is a fine procedure in which the aromatic substance is extracted from a vegetative material by means of non-polar solvents. Solvents are separated leaving a wax-like deposit which is mixed with spirits and is very cautiously heated up. It is followed with a process of a filtration as a result of which the wax is removed. Then the spirits are removed which leaves the end product of absolutely pure oil. Absolute oils have special certificates of quality.

Aromatherapy Essential Oils and Absolutes.

Aromatherapy essential oils possess a high concentration of aromatic vegetative extracts. They are made from vegetative products such as barks, flowers, grasses, berries, grains and roots by the method of steam distillation. Oils from a peel of citrus are derived using a pressing method. Absolute oils are obtained by a method of extraction using solvents at the end of which all-soluble material is removed.

Infused Aromatherapy Essential Oils.

Flowers of plants are soaked in high-quality vegetable, Soya or olive oil. This allows the oils to receive the essence of the flower and use it for the manufacture of infused oils. For producing carrot oil the extract of the root crop is soaked in Soya oil for the most effective utilization of its aromatic properties.

Carrier Oils.

Carrier Oils are vegetable oils that are nutritious and extremely high in quality. They can be used as an independent product and as a basis for preparation of aromatic oil mixes for massage and care of the skin and body. Usually they are derived by cold pressing from nuts, seeds, grains and barks.

Aromatherapy Essential Oils and Absolutes - 3 %.

Some oils are so intense that some manufacturers mix these treasures of aromatherapy. These manufacturers have made these oils more accessible by mixing them with carrier oils in a 3 % mix so that you could take pleasure in these precious, therapeutic, pleasurable aromas completely.

Massage Oil Blends.

Massage Essential oils are pre-mixed and ready to the use with carrier oils. These carrier oils are derived from almonds or grains, apricots and seeds of fruits. These are added to the oil of young wheat which raises the stability of the mix and increases shelf life.

Herbal Ointments.

Carefully developed formulas of ointments contain natural vegetative extracts, and essential oils. High-quality lanolin is used as a base in them. has natural Aromatherapy Essential Oils that stop snoring and prevents migraines. Essential Oils are an all natural source for relief of health problems and enjoyment of life.Becka Blog80028
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